Friday, December 4, 2009

Naples/Pompeii, Italy

Nov. 11, 2009

We walked to the Circumvesuviana Train station to go to Pompeii. The stop for Pompeii is the Pompeii Scavi stop.

The tickets for Pompeii were 11 euros each.

Pompeii was founded in 600 BC and was a Roman trading center. At its peak, there were 20,000 citizens, more than 40 bakeries, 30 brothels, and 130 bars, hotels and restaurants.

On August 24, 79 AD, the city was covered under 30 feet of hot volcanic ash. Pompeii was discovered in the 1600s and excavations began in 1748.

The Forum (Foro) was Pompeii's commercial, religious, and political center. It is the most ruined part of Pompeii.


The Muleteer Plaster Cast
Crouched up, trying to protect his face with his hands. He was found next to the skeleton of his mule, under the portico of the Large Palaestra.


Via dell'Abbondanza fountain

Porta Nocera

Porta Nocera dates from the 4th century BC and stands at the beginning of the road leading to the city of the same name.

House of Trebius Valens

Fresco from Pompeii home

Fresco from Pompeii home

These were just a few of the places we saw. Pompeii is a huge place, and it's still being excavated. We spent about three hours there and still didn't see everything!


We then got back on the Circumvesuviana train and went to the end of the line, Sorrento. We spent about an hour there, just relaxing and enjoying the view of the Bay of Naples.

Bay of Naples and Mount Vesuvius

We wanted to get back to the ship before dark, so we took the Circumvesuviana train back to Naples. We got off at the wrong station, and were lost in the city for awhile. We had to return to the station and try again. After a few wrong turns, we finally made it back safely!

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