Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Venice, Italy

Nov. 8, 2009

We arrived in Venice at 10:00am this morning. We were eating breakfast in the Garden Cafe as the ship sailed into Venice. I've been to Venice before, but watching it go by from Deck 12 of the ship was something I'll never forget.

The ship docked at Stazione Marittima. There was supposed to be a free shuttle bus to Piazzele Roma, but were told it wasn't running that day. We had to walk about 10 minutes to get to the Vaporetto stop at Pizzale Roma. We bought 24 hour vaporetto passes for 16 euros each. A single ride is 6.50 euro. The vaporetto system was easy to figure out.

It was raining, so we first did a Grand Canal cruise on the slow vaporetto to St. Mark's Square. We got out at St. Mark's and walked around a little bit. It was really cold and wet. It was Sunday afternoon and a lot of places were closed. We decided to get some lunch and hopefully dry off and warm up.

After lunch we took the vaporetto to St. Toma and went to Frari Church. It was built by the Franciscan order about 1250.

Frari Church has The Assumption of Mary by Titian, a wooden statue of John the Baptist by Donatello, Madonna and Child with Saints and Angels by Giovanni Bellini, Madonna and Child with Doge Francesco Dandolo by Paolo Veneziano, Madonna of Ca' Pesaro by Titian, the Tomb of Titian, and the Canova Monument.

Then we went to Scuola Grande di San Rocco containing "Tintoretto's Sistine Chapel." It was a very impressive collection of paintings.

It was still raining, we were wet and tired, so we went back to the ship for the evening.

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