Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Malaga, Spain

Malaga's bullring "Plaza de Toros "

Pablo Picasso was born in Malaga in 1881.  This statue of Picasso sits in the Plaza de la Merced, near his childhood home.

Picasso's childhood home on the Plaza de la Merced.  It is now the Fundacion Picasso (on the left side of the building) and has been painted and furnished in the style of the era.   The Fundacion also has a permanent exhibition of the artist's early sketches, sculptures, memorabilia, and family photos.

"Hand of Peace" statue supposedly done by a student of Pablo Picasso.

The Alcazaba was begun in the 8th century when Malaga was the main port of the Moorish kingdom.  What remains today was built in the 11th century.  Ferdinand and Isabella lived here after conquering Malaga in 1487. 

Ruins of the Roman theater on Calle Alcazabilla.

Malaga's cathedral was built between 1528 and 1783.  It was left unfinished because they ran out of money.  It is nicknamed "La Manquita," The One-Armed Lady, because it is missing one of its two towers. 

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