Friday, December 23, 2011

Tenerife, Canary Islands

San Cristobal de La Laguna historic town center has narrow streets lined with colorful buildings.  The town layout was the model for many colonial towns in the Americas.  In 1999, the town became a Unesco World Heritage site.

Parque Nacional del Teide is Spain's largest national park and the most popular.  It became a national park in 1954.  More than 80% of the world's volcanic formations are here.

El Teide is the highest mountain in Spain, at 12,198 feet tall. 

Las Canadas del Teide is the lunar landscape in the park.  NASA has used this area for testing equipment being sent to Mars.

Piramides de Guimar is a site where six step pyramids were uncovered on the island.  The pyramids are similar to those found in Egypt, Mesopotamia, Sardinia, Sicily, South America and other parts of the world. The pyramids are also oriented astronomically to the summer and winter solstices. 

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